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• Stay away from active volcanoes.

• If you live near an active volcano, keep goggles and a mask in an emergency kit, along with a flashlight and a working, battery-operated radio.

• Know your evacuation route. Keep gas in your car.

What to Do During a Volcanic Eruption:


  • Follow the evacuation order issued by authorities.

  • Avoid areas downwind and river valleys downstream of the volcano.

  • Listen to a battery-operated radio or television for the latest emergency information.


If caught indoors:


  • Close all windows, doors, and dampers.

  • Put all machinery inside a garage or barn.

  • Bring animals and livestock into closed shelters.



Protect yourself during ashfall:


  • Wear long-sleeved shirts and long pants.

  • Use goggles to protect your eyes.

  • Use a dust mask or hold a damp cloth over your face to help breathing.

  • Keep car or truck engines off.



When outside:


  • Cover your mouth and nose. Volcanic ash can irritate your respiratory system.

  • Wear goggles to protect your eyes.

  • Keep skin covered to avoid irritation from contact with ash.

  • Clear roofs of ashfall. Ashfall is very heavy and can cause buildings to collapse. Exercise great caution when working on a roof.

  • Avoid driving in heavy ashfall. Driving will stir up more ash that can clog engines and stall vehicles.

  • If you have a respiratory ailment, avoid contact with any amount of ash. Stay indoors until local health officials advise it is safe to go outside.

  • Remember to help your neighbors who may require special assistance — infants, elderly people, and people with disabilities.


Let Your Family Know You're Safe


If your community has experienced a disaster, register on the American Red Cross Safe and Well web site to let your family and friends know you are safe. You may also call 1-866-GET-INFO to register yourself and your family.

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Cagayan, northwestern portion of Babuyan Island
 (19°32.4'  N, 121°55' E)


Mon-Fri: 7am-10pm

Saturday: 8am-10pm

Sunday: 8am-11pm

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© 2014 by Edrian Camacho 

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