Smith Volcano

Name of Volcano - BABUYAN CLARO
Classification - Active
Current Summit Activities - Wispy to weak - steaming activity
Latitude (deg-min) - 19°31.5'
Longitude (deg-min) - 121° 57'
Province - Cagayan
Region - II
Nearby Cities/Towns - San DionisioTopo Sheets - 3378 I
Physical Features
Elevation (km) - 0.843
Base Diameter (km) - 9.2
Type of Volcano - Stratovolcano
Rock Type - Basalt
SiO2 Range - 51.3 - 56.7
K2O Range - 0.72 - 1.75
Tectonic Setting - Babuyan (Bashi) Segment of Luzon- Taiwan Arc
Age of Deposits - 2.32+/-0.35 Ma -- 1480+/-50 B.P (H.Bellon, J.C. Philippet, Brest. 1984)
No. of Historical Eruptions - 4
Latest Eruption/Activity - 1917
Smith Volcano?
Smith Volcano, also known as Mount Babuyan, is a cinder cone on Babuyan Island, the northernmost of theBabuyan group of islands on Luzon Strait, north of the main island of Luzon in the Philippines. The mountain is one of the active volcanoes in the Philippines, which last erupted in 1924.
Smith Volcano is one of the probably five Pleistocene-to-Holocene volcanic centers on Babuyan Island (also known as Babuyan de Claro Island) with Smith, the youngest volcano on the island. The largest on the island isBabuyan Claro (also known as Mt. Pangasun), an active stratovolcano with two well-preserved summit craters 300 and 400 m (980 and 1,310 ft) in diameter, located in the center of the island. Babuyan Claro is about 4.3 kilometers (2.7 mi) peak-to-peak southeast of Smith Volcano, which is the north-westernmost summit on the triangular-shaped island.

Forested Babuyan Claro volcano is one of five Pleistocene-to-Holocene volcanic centers occupying Babuyan de Claro Island north of Luzon. The largest edifice is Mt. Pangasun (Babuyan Claro), an active stratovolcano with two summit craters 300 and 400 m in diameter. Adjacent edifices include Mount Cayonan, Mount Naydi and Mount Dionisio; the youngest volcano on the island is Smith volcano. Askedna Hot Spring is located at the southern base of Babuyan Claro.